Telangana: CCI procures 12.31 lakh tonnes of cotton

The third picking of cotton is in progress in almost all the cotton growing districts in the State and huge stocks from the first and second picking are still lying with the growers -

February 22, 2024 Hyderabad: The third picking of cotton is in progress in almost all the cotton growing districts in the State and huge stocks from the first and second picking are still lying with the growers. Overcome by panic due to sudden decision of the CCI to suspend procurement operations at Sadasivapet town last week, farmers started looking forward to the government support for ensuring continued procurement at all centres till the end of the season.

The official machinery of the State government reached out to the centres dispelling fears of the growers. The government had written to the CCI seeking steps to continue all its procurement centre as the farmers were still holding more than half of their produce with them.

Given the high prices prevailing in the international market, growers were hopeful of further hike in the prices. They are yet to move their stock to the procurement centres. The third picking is expected to add more than 7 lakh tonne to the stocks with the farmers. The CCI had already assured to continue the purchase centres open in collaboration with the State government.

The State’s contribution of cotton for the 2023-24 season has been projected to be over 48 lakh bales, which in deed would be the third highest in the country after Gujarat and Maharashtra. Cotton crop was raised in 44.92 lakh acres this season. The CCI had already procured 12.31 lakh tonnes worth Rs 8,569 crore from 5.36 lakh farmers offering the MSP while the private traders purchased over 5 lakh tonnes.

The government was offering a minimum support price of Rs 7,020 per quintal for long staple cotton and Rs 6,620 for medium staple cotton. The cases of rejections reported at places, owed mainly to quality issues. Farmers were being asked to ensure that the humidity would not exceed eight per cent in stocks being moved to the market yards.

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